50 Years Of The Beatles: How I Love Thee

This past Sunday was the 50-Year Anniversary of the night when The Beatles debuted on The Ed Sullivan Show in America, on February 9, 1964. And the rest is history... It's hard to believe I have been alive for 24 of those years. Even though they were only a band for about a decade, there legend has lived on as the most beloved band of all time. Influencing every musical artist since them & teaching every generation hereafter about the beauty & importance of love, peace, & the power of music. 

My love for them began as a child. I remember very distinctly listening to them in my parent's mini-van, specifically those CDs with the apples on them...

Then in high school I discovered The Beatles "1" album featuring all of their #1 songs. This is when I felt a much deeper connection to them, thanks to songs like "Let It Be," "Yesterday," "Hey Jude," & "All You Need Is Love."

In college, the glorious movie "Across The Universe" came out & blew my mind.

I then picked up the Instant Karma: Save Darfur CD that featured a plethora of John Lennon covers, in which my love for John grew immensely.

When I was 19, my family went on vacation in Las Vegas, & I had the pleasure of seeing the "Beatles LOVE" Cirque du Solei - Hands down the coolest thing I have ever seen.

Then, on my first & only trip to New York City I got to visit Strawberry Fields & the John Lennon memorial in Central Park.

Since then, my love for The Beatles has only gotten bigger. It's a bit of a trademark on my personality - friends & lovers of mine have always sent me pictures when they see Beatles-related things saying "this made me think of you!", they've given me Beatles ringtones on their phones, & given me Beatles themed gifts...it's been a real treat, & always puts a huge smile on my face that I could be associated with such an incredible band. I will always turn to their music for comfort, advice, hope & love. I will live by their lyrics for my entire life. I will carry on their love for peace in my life & try to spread it the best way that I can. I will teach my children about The Beatles & I will probably play a few of their songs at my wedding. I might even get a tattoo one day of some of their special lyrics, something that I have thought about doing for a long time. My devotion for The Beatles will never die. 

Let's celebrate 50 years with some of my favorite photographs & lyrics that I have collected off the internet over the past few years....

Last Sunday on the 50th Anniversary, CBS aired a special "The Beatles: The Night That Changed America - A GRAMMY Salute" - unfortunately I missed it & am dying to find it online somewhere. But in the meantime, I've just been watching clips on YouTube. I really love this one featuring my other all-time favorite artist - John Mayer - with the very talented Keith Urban performing "Don't Let Me Down." I particularly love the clip at the beginning showing The Beatles singing it at their iconic roof performance, & then when they cut to Ringo at the end - jamming out to John & Keith's rendition. Could not stop smiling. Enjoy!

Peace & Love, Gina Rose
