
Showing posts from September, 2014

Autumn Mood Board + DCAGTT One Year Anniversary!

So long sweet Summer...Autumn is here. I am feeling a bit nostalgic, as I started this blog last year around this time...shortly after my 24th birthday & right at the beginning of Fall. It has been one year with this wonderful blog, & I am so glad I chose to start it when I did. I hope to keep it going & only make it better. Thank you to the followers who have chose to read/view it. I sincerely appreciate you & all of the kind compliments I have received on my posts over the past year. Now, I am 25 & ready to embark on a new chapter of my life. It's a lovely time of year to have a birthday - the season changes, a new scholastic year begins, & a new year begins for Gina. I'm ready for an incredible 25th year & excited to keep curating beautiful things here on Drink Coffee & Go To Target .  Ironically, this is my 25th blog post. :) I hope you enjoy. Here's what is on my mind for Autumn... College football is  back!  This