Autumn Mood Board + DCAGTT One Year Anniversary!

So long sweet Summer...Autumn is here. I am feeling a bit nostalgic, as I started this blog last year around this time...shortly after my 24th birthday & right at the beginning of Fall. It has been one year with this wonderful blog, & I am so glad I chose to start it when I did. I hope to keep it going & only make it better. Thank you to the followers who have chose to read/view it. I sincerely appreciate you & all of the kind compliments I have received on my posts over the past year. Now, I am 25 & ready to embark on a new chapter of my life. It's a lovely time of year to have a birthday - the season changes, a new scholastic year begins, & a new year begins for Gina. I'm ready for an incredible 25th year & excited to keep curating beautiful things here on Drink Coffee & Go To Target. Ironically, this is my 25th blog post. :) I hope you enjoy.

Here's what is on my mind for Autumn...

grey matters.


College football is back! This time of year will always make me nostalgic for the good old days in The Swamp <3 (shout out to DZ c/o 2012!)
The start of a new school year always gets me giddy for fresh school supplies & polished school boy blazers.
Check out this darling ode to school supplies featured on :)

'Baby Got Class': Viral video family returns with back-to-school song
This viral video, "Baby Got Class" is one of the cutest things I've ever seen. 
I hope my future family is this adorable!

A few of my favorite Fall trends...
Think Amelia Earhart meets Rosie the Riveter meets Zooey Deschanel.
I like that this trend feels very authentic & low-maintenance. Perfect for laying with solids or jeans & t-shirt. If it's too strong of a print for you, try starting small with an aztec necklace.
I've got to get my hands on one of these bohemian Fall must-haves. I thinking navy.
This is not your Grandfather's fair isle sweater, or you Grandmother's afghan blanket...
A little sombré action.

Vogue US January 1991, “Beauty Sleep”

It was a very dismal day when beloved actor/comedian Robin Williams died this summer.
His characters will live on in our hearts forever...
My childhood would not have been the same without Aladdin, Jumunji, Hook, Mrs. Doubtfire.
Rest In Peace.

Even more poignant now....


Yay new books! My favorite fashion designer & two of my favorite actresses.
I can't wait to read all three & be inspired evermore by these fantastic women.

{ slouchy pants + high heels }
Rosemary Roasted Carrots
Check out these 9 Fall Superfoods from Girls Guide To. I can't wait for butternut squash soup!

Parks and Recreation Season Three Episode 7: Harvest Festival. "Get out."
Two Words: Fall. Television. I am especially excited/sad for Parks & Recreation's final season. <3

a stroll down memory lane...

XOXO // Gina Rose


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