
Showing posts from 2016

This is your masterpiece -- Don't forget to dream

Hi friends -- It's been a little while! A lot has changed since most recent post in November of last year, when I had just moved to a new city to live with my boyfriend - with only my belongings, my cat, & some BIG plans. You may recall my wide-eyed post explaining how excited I was to have a fresh start & chase after some dreams that I have always had -- Well, I am proud to say that within about one month of that post, I {literally} made that dream come true... Fast forward to nine months later -- One week from today I will be turning a year older & that has got me doing a lot of reflecting. Each year around my birthday, I feel a world of emotions - looking back on what I did & did not accomplish in the past year, thinking about how I have grown & evolved, & most of all - setting new goals for myself for the next year. Most people do this every January when the numerical year changes, but for me - I get a much bigger rush of adrenaline around my birthday