This is your masterpiece -- Don't forget to dream

Hi friends -- It's been a little while! A lot has changed since most recent post in November of last year, when I had just moved to a new city to live with my boyfriend - with only my belongings, my cat, & some BIG plans. You may recall my wide-eyed post explaining how excited I was to have a fresh start & chase after some dreams that I have always had -- Well, I am proud to say that within about one month of that post, I {literally} made that dream come true...

Fast forward to nine months later -- One week from today I will be turning a year older & that has got me doing a lot of reflecting. Each year around my birthday, I feel a world of emotions - looking back on what I did & did not accomplish in the past year, thinking about how I have grown & evolved, & most of all - setting new goals for myself for the next year. Most people do this every January when the numerical year changes, but for me - I get a much bigger rush of adrenaline around my birthday & that is when I plan resolutions for myself. In August of 2013 I started this blog, & although each year my posts have been less & less, it's still a very special & personal place where I can let all of my ideas & aspirations pour out of my finger tips, or let images, music & other forms of media speak for me. If only I could post on here as often as I truly get ideas, which is 24/7!

This quote was the inspiration behind my very first blog post -- I remember sitting in my first apartment out of college, working in a corporate job, & dreaming about what I wanted to do with my life. I knew it would take some time, so I decided to give myself a creative outlet & the blog was born... I have since had this quote hanging in all of my apartments for inspiration as my life mantra.

Leo: by maddy nye for designlovefest:

-Gloria Steinem: givenchy, silk and feather cocktail dress, 1968:

The main inspiration for this post is my love for fashion & how I completely immersed myself in it this past year full-speed ahead... For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be an artist - specifically in the world of fashion. My love affair with fashion began when I was a little girl & has never left me. It has always been dream of mine to do what I love but my road getting there was a little crooked...

 :  :

 : designlovefest:

indeed.: Fashion inspiration board:

As a child, I wanted to be an illustrator, an art teacher, a graphic designer, the list goes on... Not a day went by that I wasn't drawing, painting, crafting, playing dress-up, putting on plays, scrapbooking & more. I remember watching Martha Stewart everyday in 1st awe of her art, food, decor, & all-around creative boss lady tips & tricks. But it wasn't until middle school that I soon fell in love with fashion. I loved to shop, experiment with my outfits, & fawn over magazines...yes, most adolescent girls do this...but I adored it on a deeper level. The ways colors could compliment each other, the ways patterns & silhouettes could all work together to tell a story... & most of all - the psychology behind it, the way that fashion made people all connected with me. I started to make my own handbags {hand-sewn! lol]} & loved to alter pieces I found at the thrift store or hand-me-downs from my older sister & mom. "Do It Yourself" was my life! To this day when I walk into an art/fabric stores, I am overcome with wonderful memories from my childhood, where stores like these were just heaven to me. My family moved all over the country when I was a kid & one of my favorite ways to make myself at home in each new bedroom was to completely make it my own. The blank walls were quite literally a blank canvas, & I would cover every inch with photos, memorabilia, & anything & everything that inspires me. I was in love with visuals. In high school, I watched What Not To Wear on TLC every day after school, which is where I discovered my love for styling. I memorized all of Stacy & Clinton's rules & still use them this day with myself & others with styling. Cue to junior year when all of this began to hit me, & I decided this was the route I wanted to take in college & in my life. I was accepted to great fashion school in Los Angeles where I was planning to study Visual Communications...a.k.a. store window displays, mannequins, etc. I was over the moon. Unfortunately, this amazing news was followed by a few bumps in the road as I previously mentioned, & long story short: I was unable to attend...To put it lightly, I was heartbroken. But I stayed strong & never let go of that dream. I went on to graduate with a degree in Advertising from a fantastic school. I then went on to work in the advertising & interior design industries where I learned so much about the creative yet corporate world. Fast forward to summer 2015...

Anybody with artistic ambitions is always trying to reconnect with the way they was things as a child. - Tim Burton: { Chloe }:

Jcrew: #quotes:

And the day came when the risk to remain in a tight bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ~Anais Nin #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #quote: So, this is how Olivia Palermo manages to look so perfect all the time:

When I decided that I would move to Charlotte, I knew this was finally my chance to make my lifelong dream a reality. I had to push through some concerning/hesitant looks from others (out of love of course), as well as my own self-doubt & fear of the risk - moving to Charlotte with no job, very little money, but with a world of hope & fire in my belly. And my risk paid off. In December of 2015, I landed the job of one of five Visual Merchandisers for the largest department store chain in the Southeast, at their flagship location - focusing solely on Ladies Apparel. I couldn't believe it...they took a chance on ME. Armed with my retail knowledge from my days working at Anthropologie & my pure obsession with fashion & style, they saw something inside of me. And I am forever grateful.

Quotes that will inspire you! bright & breezy for a Miami wedding:

If your dreams dont scare you.. they arent big enough. Dream big - Pinned by #PinkPad, the womens health app. bohemian:

 : Don't look back.:

So for the past nine months, I have been able to live this dream every day... Styling mannequins, creating displays, & putting beautiful things out in the world is something I have always wanted to do. I don't have a work computer, email, or a business card... & I am on my feet all day long, often sweaty & dirty from the hands-on tasks, but I absolutely love it. I will never forget those first few days on the job - I was pinching myself that I actually made my dream a reality. I will also never forgot my fifth day in when I was styling mannequins for an event, & a colleague of mine who I had just met looked at me & said, "Are you having fun?" When I replied, "Yes!" with a big, blushing smile, she responded with an adjacent smile & said, "I can tell." :) That was an incredibly special moment for me. I truly knew I was in the right place at the right time, doing exactly what I was born to do. To this day, I often am told remarks like this from colleagues & even customers, who say they can tell how passionate I am about what I do. These are unbelievably rewarding & motivate me every day. But regardless of how others receive my work, I am incredibly proud of myself & I am rewarded just by pursuing this art-form & creating small masterpieces every day. Some people are chefs, some are musicians, some are dancers -- This is who I am.

//: At the end of the day...:

Stacy Altiery / Jealous Curator collaboration: Levi's:

 : hand-drawn love | designlovefest:

Although I love what I do, I still have so much more I want to do with my career & I hope to never stop evolving...never stop creating. And it has not been easy every step of the way -- I am sparing the details on the bad days, exhaustion, & breaking points - but it's all been worth it. So this post is really to share my story, & hopefully inspire others to never give up on your dreams, even once the dream has come true. No one will believe in you as much as you.

'The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me.' ~ Ayn Rand #quotes:

I will sign off with a song... "Masterpiece" by Andy Grammer. This song sums up exactly how I feel about creating the life you want every day. This is your masterpiece - don't forget to dream. 

Love, Gina

P.S. I have to give an enormous shout-out to my family, boyfriend, friends, & past co-workers - for supporting me & encouraging me every step of the way. I love you all & I am eternally grateful for you. <3
