here comes the sun

It's been a while since I created a mood board for the blog. While I've been keeping recent posts more short & sweet about whatever trend or styling tip of the moment that I'm loving -- I have recently felt compelled to mood board again. Yes, I used that as a verb.

But it's really so much more than that. I am very spiritual person and I believe in setting intentions. And a mood board is really just that. It's envisioning how you want your life to be and manifesting it into reality. Of course, that isn't to say that just because you want your life to to go a certain way, it will magically do so. But I do feel very strongly that what you put out into the universe, every single day, will come back to you. Life is what you make it.

As someone whose life tends to ebb and flow through periods of grand flourish and being just plain old stuck, I jump into bouts of creative energy head first when I have them. But I certainly miss and crave them when I don't. And this week it started to come back to me - so the summer mood board was born. A warm palette of golden yellows, rust, reddish orange, rosy pinks, moody blues, wood, rattan, velvet, and lush nature. I hope it inspires you.

Check out what I'm really ~~fEeLiNg~~ in terms of style, places/interiors/art, and best of all my favorite: mantras, including a little poem by me for me. And all of you. Because what you say about yourself is what you become. Without further ado...




I hope you grow + glow this summer. 
I wish you wisdom + wit + wine.
Here's to waves of laughter, even through the hard lessons.
Here's to good friends + goosebumps.
I hope you remember rest + gratitude.
I wish you love + wealth, in the most priceless ways.
I wish you well. <3
