
Showing posts from October, 2017

color crush: paprika

Ah, the color wheel. Funny that it is a wheel, because it seems that colors always seem to come full circle don't they?  I sure experience highs & lows with color in my life. Through fashion, interiors, accessories, even kitchen/appliance finishes   I.E. I used to despise navy, then I went through an infatuation with it, now I'm bored with it again. These ebs and flows are what keep fashion fun & interesting, & always leave you coming back for more.  Well my current infatuation is with a neutral that sure packs a punch - I'm calling it Paprika . I love how the super saturated spice color wakes up an outfit. Perfect for fall.  How did I fall for this gorgeous color? I was actually gifted a pair of {paprika} colored shooties for Christmas last year & fell in love with them. Since then I have had fun coming up with outfits that compliment this pop of color on my feet.  Here I am wearing them below for an ear

october street style

Happy October! Autumn is officially here & although it's not quite sweater weather just yet, there are so many ways to have fun with {early} fall fashion. While Fashion Week is over, & some gorgeous trends unveiled themselves on the runway {velvet, menswear, etc.} I thought I'd share a few underrated trends that I am currently enjoying wearing or planning to wear this fall.  While I love seeing looks on the runway in all of their beautiful artform, I tend to get my inspiration more from street style. Blogs, Pinterest, & Instagram are my main sartorial sources & that is what you will see here today. I love to see how real women style themselves & I love a good candid. Or sometimes, plandid {Google it.} Anyway, read on & happy styling! My Top 5 Styling Trends for October are... {Culottes} So I am currently on my third pair of these bad boys, what can I say?! They are flattering, comfortable, & such a nice break from skinny jeans! An