Sunday Round-Up: Five Things To Smile About

Here's five things that made me smile this week!

1) My co-workers & I often joke how when there's carrot cake in the kitchen, it is totally acceptable to eat because technically, it's a vegetable. Or ya know, a peanut butter cookie is just protein right?! lol. So when I saw this on Pinterest I laughed. This will definitely be our new motto.

2) This quote:

"For most of life, nothing wonderful happens. If you don’t enjoy getting up and working and finishing your work and sitting down to a meal with family or friends, then the chances are that you’re not going to be very happy. If someone bases his happiness or unhappiness on major events like a great new job, huge amounts of money, a flawlessly happy marriage or a trip to Paris, that person isn’t going to be happy much of the time. If, on the other hand, happiness depends on a good breakfast, flowers in the yard, a drink or a nap, then we are more likely to live with quite a bit of happiness." — Andy Rooney

I first saw this quote months ago, but thought about it often this week. Great reminder that getting through a hard week of work & just enjoying the little things, is something to be happy about.

3) My must-have fall accessories. As much as I'd love to go on a fall shopping spree, my wallet won't exactly allow it. So over the past few weeks I've at least let myself to get a new everyday tote, tortoise shell sunnies & leopard flats. All 3 can essentially go with everything in my closet.

These can be found online here:
'Everyday Shopper' (Zara)
'Emma Sunglasses' (Urban Outfitters)
'Mossimo Ona Ballet Flats' (Target)

4) Favorite new gift giving trend: Monthly Subscription Boxes. You've probably heard of 'Birchbox' which is a box that comes to your doorstop each month full of high-end beauty goodies! But lately, I've been seeing so many other versions! Some others I adore are:

- Olive Box: Chic hand-picked paper & lifestyle products! How stinkin' cute right?! 

- For The Makers: DIY kits that include fun & easy tutorials!

- NatureBox: Delivers hand-picked healthy snacks along with recipes & ideas for healthy eats.

I'll take one of each for Christmas please!

5) Lastly, my new favorite book: "You Are Good At Things" by Andy Selsberg

I don't know about you, but I often feel like this:

Sure, I was very active in cheerleading & drama in high school, but these days I am often stumped when I try to think of my talents. Well, this book reminds us that you don't have to be a Olympic swimmer, spelling bee champion, or badass guitar-player to be good at things.

The book is a giant checklist of things like:
- You have the uncanny ability to always notice when someone has gotten a new haircut.
- You can make the last half-ounce of toothpaste last for a month.
- You give your kids names that will never appear on key chains at gift shops.

I just love the whole idea behind it. I also stumbled upon these cute pins along the same lines. :)

So of course, I have been inspired to make a list of my own secret skills! Here are a few:

- I am the queen of making the perfect mix CD.
- I speak fluently in movie quotes. 
- I can drink caffeine & then take a nap.
- I am a to-do list extraordinaire. I even make them in my sleep. (Literally, I have dreamt to-do lists)
- I can always help a friend see the positive side of any situation! (This last one reminds me of an award I won at a director retreat for the advertising club I was a part of in college. I won "Most Likely To Tweet A Totes Inspirational Quote" lol) 

What are your hidden talents?!

Have a great week! :)


  1. I think this is my favorite one yet. You are totes inspirational - you always help me see the positive in situations - you can style a wardrobe down to the hair, nail polish, shoes & accessories like no one else - you are a awesome planner/organizer/get sh*t done person - you always know what movie I'm quoting, even when nobody else has any idea what I'm talking about. :) <3


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