Fictional Characters I Wish Were My Best Friend: Annie Hall

For years now I've been wanting to watch the beloved, classic movie, "Annie Hall" starring one of my favorite actresses, Diane Keaton, & Woody Allen. And yesterday I finally did. I've seen quite a few of Woody Allen's more current pieces: "Scoop," "Vicky Christina Barcelona," "Midnight in Paris," but have never seen the ones that originally made him famous. It was just as great as everyone said it would be. Most of my friends & family would agree that I was born in the wrong decade. I think I lived in the 70's in a former life. So needless to say, I was in love. Anyway, here's what I absolutely adored about "Annie Hall."

Annie was the epitome of the "Manic Pixie Dream Girl" & her clothes did not disappoint. I loved her androgynous looks, her middle part, & her sweet, charming, funny demeanor. She was sassy & smart & stood up for herself. And I loved that she wasn't perfect either. She was in therapy, she was a bad driver, she had food scraps in her cute VW beetle & bugs in her apartment, she was emotional & honest. And her & Alvy (Woody Allen's character) were the perfect ying & yang. I loved their banter & wit & sass. The quirky, neurotic, sometimes pretentious, yet kindhearted & loving, Alvy Singer was just as important of a character & stole my heart a little bit. He definitely reminded me of a boy or two that I know. ;)

The other part of the film I was thrilled about was how many similarities I noticed there were to the more recent movie, "(500) Days of Summer." I had no idea that the 2009 film starring one of my other favorite actresses, Zooey Deschanel, was a huge homage to the 1977 film. There were so many scenes that were practically identical, & others that weren't as easy to catch, but I definitely picked up on the same tone & overall messages. (If you want to read more, check out this article.)

Not to mention, the clothes! There was one scene where Annie is singing that immediately made me think of Summer singing in such a similar outfit, right down to the wide-leg pants. Yet, still looking modern. This kind of ode to retro fashion is my favorite. I truly wish I could go back in time & steal my mother's wardrobe from the 70's.

I won't say much more & ruin it for anyone. But I highly recommend you watch it & see if you see the similarities as well! Not to mention, adding this wonderful offbeat rom-com into your movie repertoire. Such a cute film that is now added to my list of favorites. <3
