Sunday Round-Up: 5 Things to Smile About

Here are five things that made me smile this week:

1) This clever illustration I saw on Tumblr: "A Better Curriculum" by Tyler Faith Feder.
I definitely think I'll be buying a print of this from her Etsy or Society 6 shops!

2) Today is my maternal grandparent's 70th wedding anniversary. That wasn't a typo, they have been married for 70 years! So incredible, admirable & inspiring. Did I also mention that they had 12 children? Here are a few pictures of them that I love.

On their wedding day.

With their 12 children. My mom is the little one on the left with her dolly!

All the children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren at our Hull Family Reunion 2010.

3) This past week was New York Fashion Week which means that the new Pantone Colors for Spring 2014 were released! I am particularly excited about Violet Tulip, Cayenne, & Paloma. :)

4) A few days ago while at work, I walked outside & right in front of me was the most gorgeous butterfly with big blue wings. It perched on a leaf for a while so I could admire it's beauty & then it floated away. I'm a big believer in signs from God, horoscopes, dream dictionaries, etc. So I looked it up & found out that they not only symbolize rebirth, but are rarely seen in some parts of the world & observing a blue butterfly is considered to be lucky. I also read that the act of their fluttering & flying from one flower to another is considered to be a "dance of joy" which I loved. I felt like it was a special gift from nature just for me :)

5) Some things that made me smile during a stroll around Target:

The most adorable pup stuff!

A fun pop of color for the kitchen! Is this not the cutest toaster you've ever seen?!

I saw these Doritos strategically placed next to the video games & chuckled. Well played Target, well played.

Lastly, a new planner + a fresh pack of bobbies makes for a happy girl.

Have a great week! :)


  1. Super cute - you and your bobby pins... :)
    I could have 100 planners, they always make me think of the first day of school and how I felt so prepared with my new planner for the new school year.
    That is so sweet about the butterfly. <3 I think you have a lot of luck in store for you ahead for sure.


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