Nerd Alert!

Did you know this past Tuesday was National Punctuation Day? I know this because my mother is a high school english teacher, of course.  Needless to say, things like punctuation have been engraved into my brain. So in honor of this, I decided to do a fun post dedicated to punctuation, good grammer & well...intelligence in general.

"Today is the day to pause, perhaps with the help of a comma or two, to commemorate National Punctuation Day. It's part awareness, part celebration of how important punctuation marks are to accurately express, define, even truncate (thank you, ellipsis) our writing." -

My favorite punctuation mark is the oxford comma, followed by the exclamation point! Anyone who's ever received a text from me knows this well. :)

I also have a deep love for the ampersand. Which I know is not punctuation, but it's in the same family.
This would be fun to do for common punctuation marks that students will use: period, comma, semicolon, exclamation mark, etc.

Always remember the rule of "it"
Grammar Time //

Yes, yes, so much yes.

You don’t need bigger boobs. You need to read better books.

Image Via: A Well Traveled Woman

I like big books and I can not lie.

Nerdy Dirty...

Lastly - everyone should check out Amy Poehler's YouTube series: "Smart Girls" 
This is one episode I really love.

Stay in school kids. ;)


  1. Haha, love it! You & mom are always my go-to gals for editing, punctuation, and spelling! I had no idea Amy Poehler had a YouTube series, I can't wait to check it out! <3


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